The Global Demand for Kosher

For nearly fifty years, the demand for kosher-certified products has increased dramatically. Currently one of the hottest food trends, Kosher has become big business. Steady annual growth of the Kosher industry over the past two decades has led to an exponential rise in the numbers of products now available to the kosher consumer. The most recent Lubicom Marketing Consulting research data indicates that it has developed into a $12.5 billion industry for reasons explored below:

12.35M Kosher Consumers in the US
1.3M Year-Round Jewish Consumers of Kosher Products
35M Non-Jewish Consumers of Kosher Products
195K Kosher Certified Products
19K Kosher Products in US Supermarkets
11.4K Kosher Producing Companies and Plants

The United States dominates global kosher sales, launching the majority of all new kosher products available worldwide. To meet this demand, companies throughout the world are seeking kosher certification to expand their existing markets and enhance sales strategies. Many of these companies are choosing STAR-K Kosher Certification […]

What is a Kosher Certification Agency?

A kosher certification agency is an organization of Rabbis, food technologists, and field supervisors with the expertise and resources to execute the Laws of Kashrus. It is responsible for assuring Kosher consumers that food products and ingredients meet all kosher requirements. Once these requirements have been met, a letter of certification is issued to the manufacturer who is then authorized to advertise its kosher status, and display the kosher symbol and promote the product as kosher.

All kosher certification agencies are not identical. It is essential that the kosher certification agency has widespread acceptability so that a product bearing its symbol can be marketed to as wide an audience as possible. The manufacturer can then take advantage of the rapidly growing demand for kosher food.

How to Kosher a Plant: Individual Stories

It’s Takke a Taco

Those tried and true N.Y. subway travelers of the ‘60’s and ‘70’s remember the memorable poster of the smiling Indian holding a delicious corned beef sandwich with the caption, “You don’t have to be Jewish to Love Levy’s Real Jewish Rye.” Today, with the virtual explosion of ethnic foods, you don’t have to be Japanese to enjoy Sushi, you don’t have to be Italian to enjoy ravioli or minestrone, and you don’t have to be Mexican to enjoy tacos and burritos. However, the common link between all these ethnic foods is that today the kosher consumer can sink his teeth into a delicious enchilada or schwarma that bears reliable kosher certification.
Ordinarily it is not impossible to substitute ingredients to create an […]

An In-Depth Explanation of the Kosher Certification Process

>Get Kosher Certified
What is certified kosher? STAR-K Kosher Food Certification is a guarantee that food products and ingredients meet all kosher requirements. This kosher certificate also authorizes the manufacturer to display the STAR-K emblem on the product to advertise its kosher status.

The procedure for acquiring kosher certification is relatively simple. Upon receipt of your application, a representative of STAR-K will evaluate your company’s ingredients and products. Then a contract will be drafted, detailing all the requirements and obligations of both parties. All kosher requirements, as well as a list of all your ingredients and products, will be enumerated. Furthermore, the contract will outline the correct emblem authorized for each product indicating each product’s Kosher status. A signed contract guarantees that regular visits will be made periodically by a Rabbinic field representative of the STAR-K. The purpose of the Rabbi’s visit is […]

Taking the Mystery Out of the Certification Process

Star-K Kosher Certification is a guarantee that food products and ingredients meet all kosher requirements. The Star-K symbol has worldwide recognition and acceptability, with its certified Star-K products being sold around the globe. Certification authorizes the manufacturer to place the Star-K emblem on the product packaging to demonstrate its kosher status.

We believe that it is worthwhile to take time to study the different services offered by the many different certifying agencies. Making the right choice, an informed choice because you have asked the right questions, is one of the most important factors in determining whether or not your company receives maximum benefit from kosher certification. We suggest that you take a few moments to read “How to Choose A Kosher Certification,” which will provide you with helpful hints regarding questions you should be asking.

1. No Obligation Application
The procedure for […]

Guideline of the Certification Process

Application requesting kosher certification submitted*

STAR-K contacts applicant to begin the review process*

Applicant provides a list of all ingredients and names of suppliers*

STAR-K reviews data and estimated fees*

STAR-K makes an initial inspection which includes a thorough review of all ingredients, all plant equipment, and manufacturing processes

STAR-K submits a contract proposal outlining all agreed upon terms for kosher certification

After all terms and issues have been satisfied, STAR-K issues a letter of certification, authorizing use of the STAR-K symbol on the products approved

*These are […]

Kosher in Depth

The Jewish religion incorporates within its tenets a regimen of dietary laws. These laws determine which foods are acceptable and conform to the Jewish Code. The word kosher is an adaptation of the Hebrew word meaning “fit” or “proper.” It refers to foodstuffs that meet the dietary requirements of Jewish Law. Market studies repeatedly indicate that even the non-Jewish consumer, when given the choice, will express a distinct preference for kosher certified products. They regard the kosher symbol as a sign of quality.The barometer of Kosher and non-Kosher depends on two variables: the source of the ingredients and the status of the production equipment. Kosher certification, which is the guarantee that the food meets kosher […]

Kosher in Brief: What Is Kosher?

The tenets of kashrus (kosher dietary laws) are rooted in the Written and Oral Torah (the Bible). In the post-Biblical era, the rabbis elaborated upon these laws with explanations, details, and organization. These laws determine which foods are acceptable and conform to the Jewish Code.

The word kosher is an adaptation of the Hebrew word meaning “fit” or “proper.” It refers to foodstuffs that meet the dietary requirements of Jewish Law.

The barometer of kosher and non-kosher depends on two variables: the source of the ingredients and the status of the production equipment. Kosher certification, which is the guarantee that the food meets kosher requirements, revolves around these two criteria.

A common misconception is that kosher reflects the conferring of a blessing on food by a rabbi. There is no truth to this whatsoever. Although Jewish ritual does require the recitation of a blessing prior […]

Acceptability and Service

How does one determine the level of acceptability of a certification?

The best way to begin is by asking your customers, distributors, or companies selling products similar to yours, about their experiences with a particular certification.

Expertise and Knowledge

It is also imperative that you make inquiries regarding the level of expertise and knowledge that the various agencies have about your particular industry. For example, if you are producing a food chemical such as citric acid or an amino acid, be sure that the Rabbi making the initial plant visit is familiar with industrial fermentations. Otherwise, his lack of understanding will almost certainly interfere with a smooth trouble-free certification.

Negotiating Terms & Fees

Negotiating terms
One issue which may not be so obvious when first negotiating terms of kosher certification, but may be a very serious concern later on, is your need to know in advance if your raw ingredient suppliers will require kosher certification. If they do, will their present certification which they may already have, be acceptable? Although in most instances reputable agencies accept the certifications of other reputable agencies, there are a disturbing number of exceptions to this rule.

Determining the right agency for your needs

How do you go about selecting the right kosher certification that will satisfy your company’s particular needs?
Unless you are a local retail establishment whose kosher certification needs are best satisfied by the local rabbinical council, you are about to undergo a bewildering journey of trying to compare the merits of several different certifications. All kosher certification organizations are not identical!