Schach Mat Guidance for 5784

Guide to STAR-K Certified Schach

For a summary of Rav Moshe Heinemann’s guidance regarding kosher schach, click here.

Kosher Certified Schach Manufacturers

For a list of schach manufacturers certified by STAR-K, click here.

The Halachos of Schach

For a more in-depth review of the halachos of schach by Rav Heinemann, click here.

After Sukkos: Proper Schach Storage

For guidelines on proper storage of your schach to avoid insect infestation, click here.

Audio-Visual Guidance

To listen to STAR-K’s Kosher Conversation ‘Sukkos Specialpodcast with Rabbi Mordechai Frankel , click here.

To watch a STAR-K webinar with host Rabbi Zvi Goldberg in which he and Rabbi Boruch Beyer discuss sukkahs-to-go and schach mats, among other related topics, click here.

The Kosher Conversation Sukkos Special

Arba Minim with Rabbi Mordechai Frankel

A special episode focusing on the Halachos of the Arba Minim: Esrog, Lulav, Hadassim, and Aravos.

Rabbi Frankel walks us through the selection process of the Daled Minim:

Do the size and shape of your esrog matter?Does your lulav need to be straight?How much should you spend on a chinuch set?Do you need to check the esrog with a loupe?

All this and much much more on this special Sukkos episode of the kosher conversation!

Feedback and questions are always welcome at 1-410-816-9509 or [email protected].

Undercover: The Halachos of Schach

Fall 2009

When our Torah speaks about the Festival of Sukkos it states, “Chag HaSukkos Taaseh Lecha B’Aspecha Migornecha U’Miyikvecha.”1  “The Sukkos holiday should be observed at the time that you harvest your grain and your wine,” during the fall.  Our Chachamim, sages, have taught us that this pasuk has another esoteric meaning.  The sukkah, in which we dwell during this chag, should be made from the unused parts of the harvesting grain and wine, namely the stalks of grain and twigs of the vine.  These are the items that should be used for the schach, the covering, which is placed on top of the sukkah instead of a permanent roof.

Schach/Sukkah Mats (Webinar)

August 2017

Webinar host Rabbi Zvi Goldberg discusses schach mats with Rabbi Boruch Beyer.

Additionally, you can listen here for a shiur by Rabbi Goldberg, given at Congregation Darchei Tzedek, Baltimore, on the subject of various types of schach mats. The shiur includes an explanation of STAR-K certified mats.

Proper Schach Storage

September 2023

Stored improperly, schach can become a target and breeding ground for insects. These insects could then drop onto the table and into your food.

When schach is wrapped in plastic or any similar non-breathing material, ambient temperature changes may lead to development of condensate inside the wrapper. This can create a moist environment ideal for breeding insects.

People tend to keep schach mats in their original bags and then store it in areas that are not climate-controlled (e.g., basement storage rooms, garages, sheds). These types of conditions often lead to infestation.

While we do not have statistics to show how often schach is infested, it would seem prudent to prevent schach infestation by not storing it in plastic. If you must wrap it, use paper, or leave the plastic open so it can vent. Under dry conditions – whether temperatures are cool or hot – insects won’t thrive.

If you are concerned your […]

Kosher Certified Schach Manufacturers

The following schach mat manufacturers are certified by STAR-K. Please see letter of certification for usage instructions.

Sukkah Systems
20 Brighton Ave.
Passaic, NJ 07055
Click here for Sukkah Systems’ current letter of certification.

The Sukkah Project
2317 Grand Park Dr. #2A
Grand Junction, CO 81505
Click here
for The Sukkah Project’s current letter of certification.

The Esrog Headquarters – The Sukkah Headquarters
5809 Foster Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11234
Click here
for The Esrog/Sukkah Headquarters’ current letter of certification.

Click here for information on proper storage of schach mats.

Guide to STAR-K Certified Schach

August 2013

STAR-K currently certifies schach made from bamboo slats held together with monofilament type cord for use during Sukkos. The following is an explanation of the psak of Rabbi Moshe Heinemann regarding this item:

In Hilchos Sukkah (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 629:1) it is written that schach can not consist of something that is “mekabel tumah” (something that has the ability to become ritually impure). It is for this reason that bamboo carpet mats cannot be used for schach as they are mekabel tumah. All Star-K certified schach is not made to sit or walk on and is therefore not mekabel tumah.

In addition, l’chatchila, kosher schach may not be supported by anything which is mekabel tumah (see Rama O.C. 629:7). According to the opinion of Rashi (as brought in Shaar Hatziyun 629:20) spun or woven threads (e.g. string, yarn) are mekabel tumah. Rav Moshe […]