The STAR-K Kosher Classroom is a growing collection of curricular materials for elementary, middle, and high school classrooms, developed for, and with the support of, Torah Umesorah.
It is part of STAR-K’s commitment to education and an extension of our already existing educational efforts for adults, which include Kashrus Kurrents and interactive teleconference webinars for rabbonim, mashgichim and the wider community.
We have consulted with mechanchim to ensure that these materials are age-appropriate for children across the spectrum. We are acutely aware that, for adults, kashrus might be their most extensive engagement with practical halacha. Many of these topics require experts in the field who are intimately involved in production procedures. But it is apparent from the phone calls we field that there is a gap in this area in our schools’ curricula. Educators have told us that the reason for the dearth of classroom education about kashrus-related halacha is due to of a lack of information and materials. STAR-K’s collection of kashrus-related curricular materials is an attempt to fill that gap.
These materials are also available at Torah Umesorah’s site at

The following posters are available from the STAR-K Kosher Classroom:
These posters are all downloadable as PDFs and print-ready for your use.