Which Materials May Be Kashered (and Which May Not)

Kashrus Kurrents Summer 2012

Q: I have a number of utensils which need kashering through hagalah (immersion in boiling water). Which materials may and may not be kashered?

A:   A fleishig utensil which comes into contact with hot milchig food or a milchig utensil which comes into contact with hot fleishig food needs to be kashered before further use.  There are a number of methods for kashering, dependent upon the manner of contact between the utensil and the food.  Perhaps the most common form of kashering is hagalah, in which the utensil is immersed in boiling water.

The Torah tells us that a vessel may be kashered if it is made from one of six metals:  gold, silver, copper, iron, tin or lead.1  There are other metals and alloys which were not in common use at the time of Matan […]

Indulging L’Mehadrin

Published Summer 2012

Not too long ago, prior to the flood of Jewish children recordings, my children listened to a popular recording of birthday party songs.   One popular song that stands out in my memory is the song beginning with the following lyrics:

Everyone loves ice cream, yes indeed they do,
Everyone loves ice cream, I do – do you?
Search the whole world over travel near and far,
‘Cause everyone loves ice cream, no matter where they are.

A Traveler’s Guide to the International Dateline

Published Summer 2012

Click here for a handy printable map.

In today’s global market, the furthest regions of the Earth are much closer to home than one could ever imagine.  For example, citric acid – an integral ingredient in soft drinks, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) – a common nutrient, and amino acids used in numerous food items, are produced in a variety of Star-K certified Chinese plants.  Star-K certified glycerine is manufactured in the Philippines and shipped to the United States.  Mashgichim are frequently sent to Thailand, Fiji, Vietnam, and Indonesia to oversee production of kosher spices, tuna fish, and canned fruits and vegetables.  The Star-K has an office in Shanghai to administer the supervision and inspect facilities.