Baltimore, MD – June 10, 2020 –Torah teaches us the importance of hakaras hatov – expressing our gratitude to others. To show our appreciation and support of just some of the first responders who put their lives on the line for us daily, representatives of STAR-K Kosher Certification paid a lunchtime visit to its neighbor, the Pikesville precinct of the Baltimore County Police Department (BCPD), on Tuesday, June 9.
Armed with nothing but piled up boxes of pizza and a large tray of sushi from Caramel’s – and a framed letter of appreciation – STAR-K President Dr. Avrom Pollak and STAR-K Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Sholom Tendler made the presentation on behalf of the organization to a very grateful BCPD Precinct Commander, Captain Brandon Rogers.
The letter read:
Dear Captain Rogers and the entire BCPD Precinct 4 Staff,
Please accept this token of our appreciation, admiration and respect for the essential work that BCPD Precinct 4 does to keep our community safe and secure. Thank you for all that you do and for always being ready to serve with “integrity, fairness and service”.
Your Neighbors at STAR-K
Dr. Avrom Pollak, President
In turn, Captain Rogers was grateful for the gesture and expressed, “We appreciate the support from our community – thank you so much. At times like this, it is very important to have this community partnership. Thank you, guys, for being part of that with us.”
Concludes STAR-K President Avrom Pollak, “We thought it was important in these very troubling times to show our support to our local police department. As much as we are horrified at what happened in Minnesota, no way should that be a reflection on our devoted police forces, in general.”