Approved OB/GYN Medications & Products: Important Supplemental Information

Updated November 2024

APPROVED OB/GYN MEDICATIONS & PRODUCTS is a USA-only list reviewed by STAR-K for year-round use. IT IS NOT A PASSOVER LIST.

►The list includes kosher approved products that are often prescribed by an OB/GYN.

►Products are approved only when sold in the United States in the indicated form (e.g., caplets, tablets).

PremarinPrempro and Prometrium, which are not kosher medications, are not included in the list. These are addressed in the STAR-K Kashrus Guide for the OB/GYN Patient article on this site.

►Company names are indicated for prescription drugs.

►The list indicates only the kosher status of a product. With respect to the use of any particular product due to other halachic issues, a rav should be consulted.

►Consult your physician before taking any medication.

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