Tag Archives: Rice

Rice: Nature’s Answer To Hashem’s Blessings

Kashrus Kurrents, Winter 2023

It has been touted as nature’s most versatile food. There is no single
grain that feeds more people around the globe and, because it is free of gluten
and allergens, can be tolerated by most everyone. It is the most widely
consumed staple for over half of the world’s human population.[1]

When the Gemara in Brachos discusses the brachos that
are made before and after eating this versatile grain, the mnemonic used to
remember the poskim’s conclusion is אמן: Orez, Mezonos, Nefashos. The grain we are discussing is
Oryza sativa, which the Gemara refers to as orez.[2] We
know it, simply, as rice.

There are over 7,000 varieties of rice grown worldwide. Rice is mostly consumed in the Asian regions from Japan in the east
to Pakistan in the west and, after sugarcane and maize, is the third most
produced agricultural crop in the world.[3] China
and India account for more than half […]