Tag Archives: nikkur

Producción de Carne Kasher: Shechita Flies South

Spring 2024

From time immemorial, no matter where in the far-flung Diaspora, the presence of a Jewish community has always meant that there was shechita in proximity. The position of community shochet was one of a klei kodesh and the shochtim of a community were subject to the supreme jurisdiction of the local rav and/or Beis Din.  

Here, in the U.S., it was no different. On November 15, 1660, a man named Asser (Asher) Levy acquired a license to serve as the first kosher butcher in the small Dutch-controlled hamlet of Nieuw Amsterdam – now better known as New York City.[1] Ever since, maintaining a reliable supply of kosher beef has been an integral part of Jewish communal life in the U.S. Previous Kashrus Kurrents articles have offered a glimpse into the challenges shechita has faced on these shores and the changes to the way kosher meat is supplied […]

The Kosher Conversation Episode 13: Nikkur and Melicha

Nikkur and Melicha With Rabbi Mayer Kurcfeld

In this episode we go in depth about the steps taken to prepare kosher meat for consumption – nikkur and melicha.

Rabbi Kurcfeld, drawing on his experience in this field, and describes the various parts of the animal, and how they are prepared by removing cheilev, the forbidden fats, and how the blood is removed through salting.

Bonus Question! Is pate de foie gras kosher?